Defined as an excellent business partner, Groupe Gilbert is committed to respecting integrity, transparency and ethics in all its processes.

In order to fulfil our mission that is to be the benchmark in our business sectors, we must continually implement and strengthen best practices. Our ethics and integrity program exists to help us act according to our values. Thus, it becomes more than just a program and reflects how we do business. It represents our commitment to the highest standards of ethics, integrity and honesty in all business activities.

Ethics has become a fundamental part of our business and decision-making processes. Every day we make sure not only that our employees know and understand our policies and procedures – we demand that they be implemented, especially when making decisions.

Integrity means doing the right thing. In brief, ethics in everyday life is to take a time to think before acting and to make decisions. It also means taking into account one’s own values ​​and those of the organization. This is our goal because business success goes hand in hand with ethical conduct.

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